If you have any questions or problems, PTA will help you. Please fill out the form below and contact us.
※Annual national holidays : 29th
●春季休業日終(Syunki-kyugyoubi-owari: End of the spring vacation)
●入学式 (Nyugaku-shiki: Entrance ceremony for the 1st grade)
●始業式 (Shigyou-shiki: Opening ceremony of the first semester)
☆Wear white collared shirt and white socks
☆No lunch at school
●給食始(Kyusyoku-hajime: school lunch starts)
●計測 (keisoku: physical measurement)
☆Bring gym uniforms
●歯科検診(Shika-kenshin: Dental checkup)
☆Brush teeth well before coming to school
●視力検査(Shiryoku-kensa: Eye test)
●聴力検査 (Choryoku-kensa: Hearing test)
☆Clean up ears in advance
●尿検査(Nyo-kensa: Urinalysis)
☆Collect urine before coming to school
●保護者会(hogosya-kai: Parent-teacher’s meeting)
☆The venue depends on your class; gymnasium and/or classroom
☆Bring your own indoor shoes
(Gakusyuryoku-support test: Grade common examination)
☆For the 4th-6th grade; Math, Japanese, Science and Social studies
※Annual national holidays : 3rd-5th
※振替休業日(Furikae-kyugyobi)means substitute holiday; no school
●内科検診(Naika-kenshin: Internal medical check-up)
●柏いも苗植え(Kashiwa-imo-naeue: Excursion to Kashiwa-Gakuen)
☆Planting sweet potatoes at Kashiwa, Chiba prefecture
☆The equipment depends, ask your teacher for details
●個人面談(Kojin-mendan: Personal meeting with your homeroom teacher)
☆About 15 minutes at the classroom, must book in advance
☆Bring your own indoor shoes
●避難訓練/ 幼少児童引き取り訓練
(Hinan-kunren/yousyoujidou-hikitori-kunren: disaster drill/pick up day)
☆In case of emergency like the earthquake, every child must be picked up
☆”Hikitori” means pick up. The event is to check the procedure at school
☆You need “Hikitori card” as ID
●土曜学校公開日(Doyo-gakko-koukaibi: Saturday open school day)
☆You can watch your class
☆Bring your own indoor shoes
●体力調査(Tairyoku-tyousa/sports test: Physical examination)
●水泳指導始(Suiei-sidouhajime: Start of swimming class)
☆Bring your temperature card, towel, swimsuit, swimming cap and goggles
●セカンドスクール(second-school: Overnight field trip) For the 4th grade
☆Three days at Kashiwa-Gakuen in Chiba
☆The equipment depends, ask your teacher for details
●センター教室(Center-kyoshitsu: special class at the education center)
☆For the 3rd grade
※Annual national holidays : the 3rd Monday
●保護者会(hogosya-kai: Parent-teacher’s meeting)
☆The venue depends on your class; gymnasium and/or classroom
☆Bring your own indoor shoes
●給食終(Kyusyoku-owari: End of the school lunch)
●終業式(Syugyou-shiki: Closing ceremony of the first semester)
☆Wear white collared shirt and white socks
☆Summer vacation starts from the next day
●夏季休業日始(Kaki-kyugyoubi-hajime: The first day of the summer vacation)
(Kamogawa-rinkai-gakko: Overnight seaside excursion at Kamogawa)
☆For three days at Kamogawa, Chiba prefecture
●夏季水泳指導日(Kaki-suiei-kyositsu: Summer swimming instruction day)
☆Swimming class at school, not mandatory
●補習学習(Hosyu-gakusyu: Supplementary learning)
☆Small group, chance to follow up
※Annual national holidays : 11th
●夏季水泳指導日(Kaki-suiei-kyositsu: Summer swimming instruction day)
☆Swimming class at school, not mandatory
●夏季休業日終(Kaki-kyugyoubi-owari: End of the summer vacation)
※Annual national holidays : the 3rd Monday, 23th
●始業式 (Shigyou-shiki: Opening ceremony of the second semester)
☆Wear white collared shirt and white socks
☆No lunch at school
●給食始(Kyusyoku-hajime: school lunch starts)
●計測 (keisoku: physical measurement)
☆Bring gym uniforms
●センター教室(Center-kyoshitsu: special class at the education center)
☆For the 4th grade
●土曜学校公開日(Doyo-gakko-koukaibi: Saturday open school day)
☆You can watch your class
☆Bring your own indoor shoes
●水泳指導終 (Suiei-sidou-owari: End of the swimming class)
●歯科検診(Shika-kenshin: Dental checkup)
☆Brush teeth well before coming to school
●西湖移動教室(Saiko-idokyositsu: Overnight field trip at Saiko)
☆For three days at Saiko lake, Yamanashi prefecture
※Annual national holidays : the 2nd Monday
●都民の日(Tomin-no-hi: Holiday for Tokyo residents only)
(Kashiwa-imohori: Excursion to Kashiwa-Gakuen)for 3rd grade
☆Sweet potato digging at Kashiwa, Chiba prefecture
※1●学芸会(Gakugei-kai: Stage play festival)
☆School play, by the each grade
※2●音楽会(Ongaku-kai: Music festival)
☆School concert, by the each grade
※3●展覧会(Tenran-kai: Art festival)
☆Crafts and painting exhibition
※1~※3 There is only one of the three events in a year.
☆At the gymnasium, bring your own indoor shoes
☆Check the rules for camera shooting
●土曜学校公開日(Doyo-gakko-koukaibi: Saturday open school day)
☆You can watch your class
☆Bring your own indoor shoes
※Annual national holidays : 3rd, 23th
Online exchange meeting with Tsukuda Elementary School in Osaka prefecture)
●個人面談(Kojin-mendan: Personal meeting with your homeroom teacher)
☆Not mandatory, must book in advance
☆At each classroom, about 15 minutes
☆Bring your own indoor shoes
●給食終(Kyusyoku-owari: End of the school lunch)
●終業式(Syugyou-shiki: Closing ceremony of the second semester)
☆Wear white collared shirt and white socks
●冬季休業始(Touki-kyugyou-hajime: winter vacation starts)
※Annual national holidays : 1st, the 2nd Monday
●冬季休業日終(Touki-kyugyoubi-owari: End of the winter vacation)
●始業式 (Shigyou-shiki: Opening ceremony for the third semester)
☆Wear white collared shirt and white socks
☆No lunch at school
●給食始(Kyusyoku-hajime: school lunch starts)
●計測 (keisoku: physical measurement)
☆Bring gym uniforms
※Annual national holidays : 11th, 23th
●保護者会(hogosya-kai: Parent-teacher’s meeting)
☆The venue depends on your class; gymnasium and/or classroom
☆Bring your own indoor shoes
※Annual national holidays : 20th or 21th
●土曜学校公開日(Doyo-gakko-koukaibi: Saturday open school day)
☆You can watch your class
☆Bring your own indoor shoes
●マラソン大会(Marason-taikai: Marathon event)
☆free to visit, the schedule depends on the grade and gender.
●保護者会(hogosya-kai: Parent-teacher’s meeting)
☆The venue depends on your class; gymnasium and/or classroom
☆Bring your own indoor shoes
●給食終(Kyusyoku-owari: End of the school lunch)
●卒業式(Sotsugyou-shiki: Graduation ceremony)
☆Only 6th and 5th grades present, holiday for 1st-4th grades
●修了式(Syugyou-shiki: Closing ceremony for the grade)
☆Wear white collared shirt and white socks
☆Spring vacation starts from the next day
The dates of several events may change by the year. These two are typical ones.
●土曜授業日(Doyo-jyugyoubi: Saturday class day)
☆The classes will be finished by noon, no lunch
●校外学習(Kougai-gakusyu: Excursion learning)
☆Day-trip by bus
☆The date depends on the grade
☆The equipment depends, ask your teacher for details